The recent progress in the QCD theory of diffractive DIS (DDIS) is reviewed. We place emphasis on pQCD scales, diffractive factorization breaking, jet and charm production and new fundamental observables which are becoming accessible with the Leading Proton Spectrometers (LPS) of ZEUS and H1.
DIFFRACTIVE STRUCTURE FUNCTIONSThis is an opening talk on diffraction at DIS'97 and we start with definitions. The longitudinal (L) and the two transverse (T) polarizations of the exchanged photon define the four components dσ (3) i (γ * p → p ′ X)/dM 2 dp 2 ⊥ dφ (i = T, L, T T ′ and LT ) in the expansion [2] which blows up at x IP → 0 due to the extra factor 1/x IP . Here β = Q 2 /(Q 2 + M 2 ) and x IP = x/β are the DDIS variables.