The work described in this report is preliminary in nature since its goal was to demonstrate the feasibility of estimating the off-gas entrainment rates from the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) melter based on a simple mass balance using measured feed and glass pour stream compositions and timeaveraged melter operating data over the duration of one canister-filling cycle. The only case considered in this study involved the SB6 pour stream sample taken while Canister #3472 was being filled over a 20hour period on 12/20/2010, approximately three months after the bubblers were installed. The analytical results for that pour stream sample provided the necessary glass composition data for the mass balance calculations. To estimate the "matching" feed composition, which is not necessarily the same as that of the Melter Feed Tank (MFT) batch being fed at the time of pour stream sampling, a mixing model was developed involving three preceding MFT batches as well as the one being fed at that time based on the assumption of perfect mixing in the glass pool but with an induction period to account for the process delays involved in the calcination/fusion step in the cold cap and the melter turnover. Some of the key findings of this study include: The proposed concept of estimating off-gas entrainment rates from measured feed and glass pour stream compositions appears feasible at least for the major species and thus additional case studies are warranted. The overall entrainment rate from the bubbled DWPF melter was calculated to be 2.4% of the calcined solids fed, which is ~2X the design basis entrainment rate for the non-bubbled melter. The average entrainment rate of the four major non-volatile sludge components, including Al, Fe, Mn and U, was calculated to be 2.7% fed, while that of the frit components, excluding Na, was 0.7%. It means that the entrainment rate of sludge is higher than that of frit by a ratio of 4:1, which is in qualitative agreement with the results of two off-gas deposit samples taken earlier. Specifically, the calculated entrainment rates of Fe and Si were 0.6-0.7%, while those of Al, B, Mn, Th and U were higher, ranging from 1.9 to 5.6% with Mn at the highest. The calculated entrainment rate of Na was 7.5%, of which a significant fraction could have been entrained via volatilization in the form of borates, sulfates, and halides. The calculated entrainment rates of semi-volatile Cs and Cd ranged from 16 to 18%, while that of sulfur was estimated to be higher than 50%. The calculated DWPF entrainment rates were in general higher than the DM1200 rates, which may be attributed in part to the formic acid used as the reductant for the DWPF feeds compared to sugar used for the DM1200 feeds, as demonstrated earlier in terms of increased pressure spikes with formic acid-based feeds. The much higher entrainment rates of Na and semi-volatiles in the DWPF melter could be reflective of actual operating conditions such as extended idling. The proposed concept will be tested further against ad...