The brain alternates between wakefulness, nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep during sleep. Sleepwalking, sleep terrors, sleepwalking and sleep paralysis are common examples of the behavioral manifestations linked with parasomnias or partial arousals from sleep. Sleep Paralysis is a condition in which someone lying supine position, about drop off to sleep or just upon waking from sleep realize that she/ he unfit to speak or walk or cry out, this may lose many seconds or moments, occupationally longer. The sensation of being paralyzed can be accompanied by various vivid and powerful sensory sensations, such as mentation in visual, aural, and tactile modalities and a distinct sense of presence. People always feel that they've been hanging by someone or wrong, sometimes, cases report this type of problem. They feel that wrong is following, sitting behind them going to be attacked is the condition they feel, in this. Composition reviewed the causes of sleep palsy and what's sleep; many sleep diseases are bandied then. This review discusses details on the management and treatment of sleep paralysis, basic description of sleep paralysis and pathology, etiology, history, epidemiology, and pathogenesis involved in sleep paralysis.