With the rapid increase in the development of the cloud data centers, it is expected that massive data will be generated, which will decrease service response time for the cloud data centers. To improve the service response time, distributed cloud computing has been designed and researched for placement and migration from mobile devices close to edge servers that have secure resource computing. However, most of the related studies did not provide sufficient service efficiency for multi-objective factors such as energy efficiency, resource efficiency, and performance improvement. In addition, most of the existing approaches did not consider various metrics. Thus, to maximize energy efficiency, maximize performance, and reduce costs, we consider multi-metric factors by combining decision methods, according to user requirements. In order to satisfy the user’s requirements based on service, we propose an efficient service placement system named fuzzy- analytical hierarchical process and then analyze the metric that enables the decision and selection of a machine in the distributed cloud environment. Lastly, using different placement schemes, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed scheme.