High-level transcription of eps, an operon encoding biosynthesis of an exopolysaccharide virulence factor of the phytopathogen Ralstonia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum, requires the products of at least seven regulatory genes (phcA, phcB, xpsR, vsrA-vsrD, and vsrB-vsrC), which are organized in three converging signal transduction cascades. Because xpsR and the vsrB-vsrC two-component system are the most downstream cascade components required for activation of eps, we explored how these components control transcription from the eps promoter (P eps ). Deletion and PCR mutagenesis identified an upstream region of P eps (nucleotides ؊82 to ؊62) that is critical for transcription activation by VsrB-VsrC and XpsR and also is required for negative control of P eps by the putative eps regulator EpsR. Using PCR mutagenesis we generated the vsrC1 allele that encodes a response regulator that constitutively activates P eps in the absence of its cognate sensor, VsrB. However, activation of P eps by vsrC1 still required xpsR. Unexpectedly, the amino acid substitution conferring the constitutive phenotype on VsrC1 is 12 residues from its C terminus, outside the known functional domains of response regulators. Finally, a modified DNase I footprinting method was used to demonstrate specific binding of both VsrC1 and VsrC to the ؊72 to ؊62 upstream region of P eps .Ralstonia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum, which causes a lethal wilting disease of solanaceous and many other types of other plants (15, 16), enters hosts via natural openings or wounds in roots and then proceeds to extensively colonize xylem vessels of the vascular system (37, 44). Although secreted plant cell wall-degrading exoenzymes enhance virulence (possibly by facilitating invasion and vascular colonization [23,24,37]), it is exopolysaccharide I (EPS I), a large, nitrogenrich, acidic exopolysaccharide (34), that is the primary virulence factor of R. solanacearum. EPS I is produced in copious amounts and is required for wilting and killing of hosts (8,29). EPS I apparently causes wilting by restricting water flow through xylem vessels (6). It also markedly enhances the speed and extent of stem colonization (37).In R. solanacearum, production of EPS I (as well as some exoenzymes) is stringently controlled by a cascading network of more than 10 regulatory genes (5,11,20,41). Inactivation of any of seven genes in this network causes a Ͼ85% reduction in transcription from the eps promoter (P eps ), leading to loss of EPS I production and the ability to wilt and kill. However, inactivation of all but two of these genes (vsrB and vsrC) can be suppressed by constitutive expression of xpsR from a vector promoter (20). These and other data showed that VsrB, VsrC, and XpsR are the most downstream components in the eps regulatory cascade and suggested that they may directly affect interaction of RNA polymerase with P eps .The predicted amino acid sequences of VsrB and VsrC imply that they comprise a two-component system in which VsrB is a sensor kinase and VsrC is its cognate resp...