Deforestation has a real impact on increasing the level of disaster risk, especially flooding. The real impact of the flood disaster is experienced by Langkat Regency community, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia. The impact of flooding is physical, social, economic, and environmental losses that are perceived directly by the community close to the disaster site. The objective of this study is to analyze the distribution of flood vulnerability levels in Langkat Regency, North Sumatera Province. Determination of the distribution of the flood vulnerability level area used spatial modeling with a scoring method with several variables, including rainfall, land slope, soil texture, land use, landform, and riparian buffers. The distribution of flood vulnerability areas is mostly at very low level with the percentage of the area reaching 53% of the Langkat Regency area. The three districts that have the widest high - very high flood vulnerability levels are Wampu District covering an area of 63,805.92 ha or 14.56%, of the total area of Langkat Regency, Pematang Jaya District covers 78,882.02 ha or 18.01% and Hinai District covers an area of 70,311.41 ha with or 16.05%. This study offers suggestions that the spatial distribution data of flood vulnerability level areas can be developed into an early warning system, for making rapid disaster response procedures.