Rhythmic brain activity, measured by magnetoencephalography (MEG), is modulated during stimulation and task performance. Here, we introduce an oscillatory response function (ORF) to predict the dynamic suppression-rebound modulation of brain rhythms during a stimulus sequence. We derived a class of parametric models for the ORF in a generalized convolution framework. The model parameters were estimated from MEG data acquired from 10 subjects during bilateral tactile stimulation of fingers (stimulus rates of 4 Hz and 10 Hz in blocks of 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 s). The envelopes of the 17-23 Hz rhythmic activity, computed for sensors above the rolandic region, correlated 25%-43% better with the envelopes predicted by the models than by the stimulus time course (boxcar). A linear model with separate convolution kernels for onset and offset responses gave the best prediction. We studied the generalizability of this model with data from 5 different subjects during a separate bilateral tactile sequence by first identifying neural sources of the 17-23 Hz activity using cortically constrained minimum norm estimates. Both the model and the boxcar predicted strongest modulation in the primary motor cortex. For short-duration stimulus blocks, the model predicted the envelope of the cortical currents 20% better than the boxcar did. These results suggest that ORFs could concisely describe brain rhythms during different stimuli, tasks, and pathologies.