The formation kinetics of lithium−silicon phases was studied in a molecular beam epitaxy environment under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions. A heated Si(111) substrate was exposed to an incoming lithium flux at a gradually decreasing substrate temperature. The onset of the nucleation and the formation of Li−Si phases were simultaneously observed by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD), azimuthal reflection high-energy electron diffraction (ARHEED), and line-of-sight quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS) of the desorbing Li. First, Li-induced reconstructions formed, followed by the appearance of nanostructures which grow epitaxially with respect to the Si substrate. Both crystal structures, namely Li 12 Si 7 and Li 21 Si 5 , which are thermodynamical stable at elevated temperatures were identified. They form with an epitaxial relationship such that [111] Si ∥ [010] Li 12 Si 7 and [112̅ ] Si ∥ [100] Li 12 Si 7 as well as [111] Si ∥ [111] Li 21 Si 5 and [011̅ ] Si ∥ [011̅ ] Li 21 Si 5 . Finally, three-dimensional Li structures appeared on the surface. The in situ measurements were supplemented by ex situ atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy showing the real-space information on three-dimensional Li−Si structures. Similarities and differences compared to a Li-ion battery structure containing a Si anode are discussed. A significant mobility of Si and Li to form nm-sized crystal structures is concluded.
■ INTRODUCTIONThe combination of only two chemical elements in a solid seems at a first glance scientifically not too challenging. One or more crystal structures, e.g., varying in stoichiometry, could be formed in a chemical reaction of the two elements. A further possible scenario is the intermixing of both elements to form an alloy. Thermodynamic data are available already for a large variety of binary element systems from which phase diagrams can be constructed, i.e., the thermodynamically stable structures at a given concentration and temperature are well-known. But even for a simple two element system, growth scenarios can be very complex; 1 various factors like kinetic properties of the constituents, strain, surface properties, including reconstructions, and many more might play a decisive role.Epitaxial layers are grown on crystalline substrates which, to achieve flat interfaces, should remain unaffected in the process, with the possible exception of the topmost atomic layer. In molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), the material for the growing layer is conventionally provided by incoming atomic or molecular fluxes which then form a crystalline layer on the substrate. Silicon plays an important and even growing role in modern technology. It is the central chemical element in complementary metal-oxide−semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Recently, Si has also attracted attention due to its potential for application as anode in lithium-ion based batteries. 2 A major challenge here is the up to 3-fold increase of the volume upon lithiation. 3,4 Therefore, the basic mechanisms of the formation of a Li−Si...