Background: Women continue to be underrepresented in orthopedic surgery and in orthopedic fellowship programs, especially in orthopedic trauma. Purpose: We aimed to assess sex diversity among faculty and trainees in orthopedic trauma surgery fellowship programs and investigate whether the presence of female faculty in those programs is associated with the recruitment of female fellows. Methods: This was a cross-sectional analysis of 63 orthopedic trauma surgery fellowship programs. Information regarding program faculty (as of October 2023) and fellows from 2018 to 2024 was gathered. For programs without publicly accessible information, fellowship coordinators were e-mailed for de-identified sex breakdown of fellows categorized by year. The sex of each fellow and faculty member was categorized as male or female and determined by inference from the fellow’s first name and confirmed via Internet search using photos, biographies, and preferred pronouns when available. Results: Of 63 programs with 323 orthopedic trauma faculty, 30 (47.6%) programs had at least 1 female faculty member, with only 4 (6.4%) programs having female fellowship directors. Women made up 12% ( n = 39) of orthopedic trauma faculty. Of 399 total fellows identified over the 6-year period, 67 (16.7%) were women, with a notable increase in the representation of female fellows over time, from 10.8% in 2018 to 25.4% in 2024. Although programs with female faculty had a similar proportion of female fellows over the 6-year period as those without, in the most recent fellowship year (2023–2024), programs with female faculty had a higher proportion of female fellows than those without (38.2% vs 13.5%, respectively). Conclusion: This cross-sectional, observational study suggests that female surgeons remain underrepresented in orthopedic trauma fellowship director roles, although we observed an increasing number of female trainees entering orthopedic trauma surgery fellowship programs in recent years. In the most recent fellowship class studied, programs with female faculty had more than double the proportion of female fellows compared to programs without any female faculty.