DOI: 10.3390/app12094164
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Analysis of Heart Rate Variability and Game Performance in Normal and Cognitively Impaired Elderly Subjects Using Serious Games

Abstract: Cognitive decline is one of the primary concerns in the elderly population. Serious games have been used for different purposes related to elderly care, such as physical therapy, cognitive training and mood management. There has been scientific evidence regarding the relationship between cognition and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) through heart rate variability (HRV). This paper explores the changes in the ANS among elderly people of normal and impaired cognition through measured HRV. Forty-eight subjects… Show more

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Cited by 7 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 51 publications
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“…In line with cognitive training, there are several research studies that present video games that allow the assessment of cognitive aptitude, processing speed and reaction time. Hou et al (2022) developed three cognitive computer games: 1) Cognitive Game based on Nostalgia Theory; 2) Whack-a-Mole; 3) Hit-the-Ball. The first one focused on improving memory, attention, executive function and language, while the other two focused on reaction time and processing speed.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In line with cognitive training, there are several research studies that present video games that allow the assessment of cognitive aptitude, processing speed and reaction time. Hou et al (2022) developed three cognitive computer games: 1) Cognitive Game based on Nostalgia Theory; 2) Whack-a-Mole; 3) Hit-the-Ball. The first one focused on improving memory, attention, executive function and language, while the other two focused on reaction time and processing speed.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…They replicated these findings in a consecutive study that also included patients with mild cognitive impairment. Significant decreases in vm-HRV were found during serious gaming, whereas the cognitive status of the study participants had no significant effect on the HRV [ 80 ]. This is consistent with the results of a systematic review that found significant withdrawal of vm-HRV in HOA during cognitive exercises, but contradicts the finding that vm-HRV in cognitive tasks is dependent on participant characteristics (i.e.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The SDNN, which is similar to total power in frequency domain, reveals the periodic fluctuations in the heart rate (both long and short-term variation of heart rate), and presents the activity of the sympathetic nervous system 44 . RMSSD enables the identification of the short-term variation in the heart rate, and measures the parasympathetic activity to identify physiological stress 45 . The pNN50 reflects the activity of the parasympathetic nerve during a brief period of time, and the larger the variance in the adjacent interval, the greater the value, and the more physiologically healthy the individual is 46 .…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Frequency-domain features are derived from the power spectrum density 45 . We obtained the power in the high frequency (HF: 0.15–0.4 Hz [ms 2 ]) and the low frequency (LF: 0.04–0.15 Hz) via estimation using auto-regressive (AR) modelling, which is divided into distinct spectral components by applying spectral factorization 42 .…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%