IntroductionRecently, new series of ternary intermetallics of the chemical formula RZnSn 2 (where R is substituted by the elements Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, or Lu) were successfully synthesized. X-ray diffraction investigations showed that their crystalline structure is of a tetragonal HfCuSi 2 type [1]. These compounds belong to the broad group of R(A)-T-X (where R stands for a rare-earth or A -actinide element, T is a d metal, and X is a p element) ternary intermetallics [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21], which display numerous crystalline and magnetic structures and a wealth of intriguing physical properties like complex magnetic orderings, unconventional superconductivity or fl uctuating valence. Magnetic susceptibility together with heat capacity results show that the compound LuZnSn 2 does not undergo any magnetic phase transitions at temperatures as low as 1.9 K [1,22], and therefore this compound is an ideal reference material for the estimation of magnetic contributions to the heat capacity of magnetically ordered isostructural compounds, for example ErZnSn 2 that shows a clear phase transition within the experimental temperature range between paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic states with a Néel temperature T N = 5.0 K [1]. Additionally, the antiferromagnetic character of the latter compound was corroborated by the observed negative value of its paramagnetic Curie temperature P = -8. Sn Mössbauer technique was applied to derive the hyperfi ne interaction parameters characteristic of the two inequivalent crystallographic Sn sites in the compound studied. Quadrupole interaction constants, as measured by 119m Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy, allowed for estimations of V zz components of the electric fi eld gradient tensor that exist at both Sn sites in the discussed compound.