Many studies dealing with the process dynamics of distributed parameter counterflow systems have been reported in the literature. Nearly all of the investigators have considered counterflow systems whose dynamic performance can be described mathematically by a partial differential equation having only two independent variables. For example, in previous studies of double pipe heat exchanger dynamics (11, 12) an accurate mathematical description of the system was obtained with time and axial position as the independent variables. As a result of these and other studies, methods of extracting the theoretical process dynamics from mathematical models of distributed parameter counterflow systems having time and a single space dimension as independent variables are well known.Several papers dealing with steady state solutions of countercurrent laminar flow problems have been reported. Nunge and Gill (10) presented a separation of variables solution for a laminar counterflow double-pipe heat exchanger at steady state. Their solution required a convergent series in both positive and negative eigenvalues in order to satisfy the split boundary conditions. The negative set of eigenvalues occurs because one of the fluid velocities is negative with respect to a fixed coordinate system. The split boundary conditions occur because the axial position boundary conditions are usually known at the fluid inlets which are at opposite ends of the system. The eigenvalues for this steady state case were evaluated numerically using an iterative integration procedure.In the present study of an unsteady state case, Laplace transformed energy balance equations result which are similar in form to the energy balance equations for the steady state case, for example, Equations ( 3 ) and (6) herein. However, these transformed equations for the unsteady state case contain an additional term which includes the Laplace transform variable, s, as a parameter. Because the steady state solution of Nunge and Gill involved a numerical integration step to determine the eigenvalues and because the complex parameter, s, complicates the unsteady state equations, the direct transfer function substitution method (2, 3) and the use of a completely numerical solution was chosen for the unsteady state equations.Completely numerical solutions for the steady ,state case have been reported, also by Nunge and Gill (9). Their numerical procedure was a modification of the work of King (6). The present study extends the method of King, as modified by Nunge and Gill, to the unsteady state case.The present study is concerned with mathematical modeling and theoretical calculation of process dynamics for distributed parameter counterflow systems which require two space variables and time for an accurate mathematical description. Most distributed parameter counterflow heat and mass transfer systems having radially dependent velocity, temperature, and/or concentration profiles fall into this category.A wetted wall column using air and water in countercurrent laminar flow was s...