Clustering of alumina inclusions during liquid processing of steel significantly influences its cleanliness and mechanical properties. We have therefore studied the effect of alumina inclusion morphology on their clustering behavior in molten iron. Alumina inclusions were extracted from iron samples taken at 1 min after Al addition. Dendritic, spherical, plate-like, faceted and clustered alumina inclusions were identified and their clustering degrees were measured. The clustering degree increases in the order of spherical, dendritic, plate-like and faceted inclusions. To explain this, attractive force between two alumina particles with different shape combinations, i.e., sphere-sphere (S-S), sphere-plane (S-P), plane-plane (P-P), was calculated based on the theory of spontaneous cavitation. The attractive force is influenced significantly by particle shape. S-S type has the smallest attractive force and the shortest acting length. P-P type has the largest attractive force and the longest acting length. This explains that spherical inclusions have the lowest clustering degree. The lower clustering degree of plate-like inclusions, compared with faceted inclusions, is due to that molten iron wets plate-like inclusions better.