To date, most of the indoor environment control is based on the dry-bulb air temperature, which is one of the simplified control methods having the limitation to truly represent the thermal comfort of individual occupants. A variety of factors affect the thermal comfort such as dry-bulb air temperature, humidity, air movement, radiation, clothing insulation, and metabolic activity level. In this circumstance, this study investigated the effects of considering hourly metabolic rate variations for predicted mean vote (PMV) control on the actual thermal load, energy usage, and life cycle cost (LCC). The case adopting PMV control taking the hourly metabolic rate into account was comparatively analyzed against the conventional dry-bulb air temperature control, using a detailed simulation technique after the validation process. As a result, when the activity state of the occupant is house cleaning in the summer, the indoor temperature decreases rapidly due to the high amount of activity. It requires a temperature that is 11.7 • C and 9.7 • C lower than the conventional dry-bulb air temperature control method, respectively, and generally forms a higher indoor air temperature than the conventional control method after 7 p.m. This means the difference in temperature to satisfy the comfort of the occupant according to the amount of activity, and during winter as opposed to summer, was found to form a lower indoor air temperature than the conventional temperature control. In case of annual boiler gas consumption, PMV control showed 7.3% less energy consumption than the dry-bulb air temperature control and showed 28.8% less energy consumption than the dry-bulb air temperature control for annual cooling electricity consumption. Considering the cooling and heating energy reduction rate and the initial installation cost of measuring equipment for real-time metabolic rate and PMV measurement, a payback period of approximately 4.15 years was required.