This study proposes a model for estimating the properties of mechanically induced long-period fiber gratings (MLPFGs) based on polarization and applied pressure. The model arises from the linear relation between the applied pressure and coupling coefficients of MLPFGs through utilization of Jones matrix analysis. The transmission property of a fabricated MLPFG can be easily estimated using the relation between the applied pressure and coupling coefficients obtained from the measured spectra of MLPFGs. The estimated spectra around the resonance wavelengths based on our proposed model show good agreement with the measured ones. Keywords: long-period fiber grating, polarization dependence, applied pressure dependence Classification: Sensing strain sensitivity based on long-period gratings in B/Ge co-doped fiber," Electron. Lett., vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 661-663, 1999. DOI:10.1049 Y. Tsutsumi, M. Ohashi, and Y. Miyoshi, "Temperature sensing using an optical time domain reflectometer and mechanical long-period fiber gratings fabricated from a heat-shrinkable tube," IEICE Commun.