Optical and wireless integration in the same platform is an essential requirement for future access networks in order to achieve an economically feasible business model, especially for the deployment of Next Generation Networks. The combination of both technologies offers high bandwidth together with mobility, thus making a strong contribution to future high capacity applications. PON (passive optical network) services together with UWB (ultra-wide band) generate advanced access solutions that once deployed, offer quadruple-play integration of wireless, voice, data and video applications. This paper presents the current advances of our combined PON + wireless access solution, called Integrated Optical Wireless Access (IOWA), which combines an optical platform with last segment wireless links to combine bandwidth and mobility in an optimal way. This transport platform, together with an advanced dynamic allocation protocol that optimizes bandwidth and also offers scalability, enables the delivery of advanced future applications. Simulations and optical transmission experiments have been carried out to support the developed platform and demonstrate its feasibility.