The fruits of Prunus domestica L. are a valuable source of phenolic compounds, in particular hydroxycinnamic acids and their esters. Hybrid origin of Prunus domestica hexaploid species, a huge variety of varieties and di erent growing areas do not allow scientists to make a de nitive conclusion about certain phenolic compounds in plum fruits. The purpose of our research is to determine and identify the phenolic composition of fruits of Prunus domestica L. growing in the Tambov region of the Russian Federation. Eight varieties of universal and table plum were taken as objects of research. Experimental plantations were planted in 2014 according to the scheme of 6x3 m. SVG 11-19 was used as a rootstock. The study of phenolic components of plum fruits was performed by HPLC using a Thermo Ultimate 3000 liquid chromatograph equipped with a DAD-3000. Separation was performed on a Hypersil Gold C18 column (4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm). The binary mobile phase gradient was phosphate and acetonitrile. For the analysis, plum fruits were extracted with 70 % aqueous methanol. The levels of hydroxycinnamic acids in the plum fruits studied were determined: 4-ca eoylquinic acid-5.33…181.54 mg/100 g, 5- ca eoylquinic acid - 1.69…31.73 mg/100 g, 3-p-coumaroylquinic acid - 0.54…5.77 mg/100 g, 3- ca eoylquinic acid-0.04…0.63 mg/100 g. Among avonols, the predominant component is quercitin-3-rutinoside - 0.77…9.17 mg/100 g. Three anthocyanins were identi ed in the studied plum fruits: cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-rutinoside and peonidin-3-glucoside. In the structural composition of plum fruit anthocyanins, cyanidin-3-glucoside dominates, accounting for 60 to 90 % of the total anthocyanin content. The obtained data on the content of phenolic components in fruits of isolated plum varieties (Prunus domestica L.) indicate the promise of their further study for breeding studies and as a source of hydroxycinnamic acids, anthocyanins and avonols in the diet of the population