Welding procedure of clad steel including deposition of carbon steel on nickel base alloy usually gives unaccepted mechanical properties. Cracks were formed along type II boundary in nickel base alloy pass and a martensitic layer was formed in carbon steel pass. In this paper, cracks along type II boundary were prevented by lowering the martensitic start temperature (TMs) of the martensitic layer. Decreasing of TMs was obtained by two methods: Dilution method and Grain refining method. Three levels of TMs (approximately 350, 200, and 50 o C) are obtained. The results showed that: cracks along type II boundary were prevented at TMs lower than 200 o C; however type II boundary itself was prevented at TMs lower than 50 o C. Also post weld heat treatment was necessary to achieve accepted impact properties. Rezime Tehnologija zavarivanja platiranog čelika, uključujući nanošenje ugljeničnog čelika na leguru nikla, obično daje neprihvatljiva mehanička svojstva. Prsline su formirane duž granice tipa II u prolazu od legure nikla i formiran je martenzitni sloj u prolazu od ugljeničnog čelika. U ovom radu, prsline duž granice tipa II su sprečene smanjenjem martenzit start temperature (T Ms) martenzitnog sloja. Smanjenje T Ms je postignuto na dva načina: metodom razblaživanja i metodom rafinacije zrna. Dobijena su tri nivoa T Ms (približno 350, 200 i 50°C). Rezultati su pokazali da su: prsline duž granice tipa II bile sprečene kod T Ms nižih od 200 o C; međutim, sama granica tipa II bila je sprečena kod TM niže od 50 o C. Takođe je bila potrebna toplotna obrada nakon zavarivanja da bi se postigle prihvatljive karakteristike udarnih osobina.