The article presents the waste generated during the production of hot‑dip galvanizing. The results of the study of the particle size distribution of zinc dust showed that its particle size distribution in the size range of particles ≤ 250 μm, the proportion of which is 87 wt.%, corresponds to the fractional composition of standard powder zinc. In ash, the number of particles up to 250 microns in size is approximately 35 wt.%. Studies of the chemical and phase composition of the hot‑dip galvanized waste – zinc dust made it possible to establish that the zinc content of the waste approximately corresponds to powder zinc (GOST 12601). The proportion of pure zinc in dust is 95 %. Chemical and phase analyzes of the ash have shown that it contains zinc oxides, pure zinc and zinc chlorides. Zinc chlorides, in turn, can be a supplier of chlorine ions in thermal diffusion galvanizing. In this regard, it is of interest to use ash in the composition of the powder composition as an activating and zinc‑containing component. The results of the analysis of the conducted studies of hot‑dip galvanizing wastes – zinc dust and soot show that they are promising for their use as components in saturating mixtures in the production of zinc coatings by chemical‑thermal treatment. This will reduce the cost of galvanized products and ensure the recycling of zinc into industrial circulation.