Measurement of neural tracking of natural running speech from the 15 electroencephalogram (EEG) is an increasingly popular method in auditory neuroscience 16 and has applications in audiology. The method involves decoding the envelope of the 17 speech signal from the EEG signal, and calculating the correlation with the envelope 18 that was presented to the subject. Typically EEG systems with 64 or more electrodes 19 are used. However, in practical applications, set-ups with fewer electrodes are required. 20 Here, we determine the optimal number of electrodes, and the best position to place 21 a limited number of electrodes on the scalp. We propose a channel selection strategy, 22 aiming to induce the selection of symmetric EEG channel groups in order to avoid 23 hemispheric bias. The proposed method is based on a utility metric, which allows 24 a quick quantitative assessment of the influence of each group of EEG channels on 25 the reconstruction error. We consider two use cases: a subject-specific case, where 26 the optimal number and positions of the electrodes is determined for each subject 27 individually, and a subject-independent case, where the electrodes are placed at the same 28 positions (in the 10-20 system) for all the subjects. We evaluated our approach using 64-29 channel EEG data from 90 subjects. Surprisingly, in the subject-specific case we found 30 that the correlation between actual and reconstructed envelope first increased with 31 decreasing number of electrodes, with an optimum at around 20 electrodes, yielding 38% 32 higher correlations using the optimal number of electrodes. In the subject-independent 33 case, we obtained a stable decoding performance when decreasing from 64 to 32 channels.
34When the number of channels was further decreased, the correlation decreased. For 35 a maximal decrease in correlation of 10%, 32 well-placed electrodes were sufficient in 36 87% of the subjects. Practical electrode placement recommendations are given for 8, 37 16, 24 and 32 electrode systems. 38 42 also has applications in domains such as audiology, as part of an objective measure 43 of speech intelligibility (Vanthornhout et al., 2018; Lesenfants et al., 2019), and coma 44 science (Braiman et al., 2018).
45The relationship between the stimulus and the brain response can be studied using 46 two different models (e.g., Crosse et al., 2016; Lalor and Foxe, 2010; Ding and Simon, 47 2012; Verschueren et al., 2019; Vanthornhout et al., 2018): in the forward model (also 48 know as encoding model), we determine a linear mapping from the stimulus to the 49 brain response. On the other hand, in the backward model (also known as stimulus 50 reconstruction), we determine the linear mapping from the brain response to the stimulus.
51Backward models are referred to as decoding models, because they attempt to reverse 52 the data generation process. Both the forward and backward models involve the solution 53 of a linear least squares (LS) regression problem. The quality of the reconstruction is 54 ...