The genetic information on the structure of 37 genes, i.e. 13 respiratory chain proteins, 22 tRNA molecules, and 2 rRNA molecules, is encoded in the mitochondrial genome. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) contains a non-coding region (D-loop), whose length varies among animals. Due to the lack of introns, genes in some organisms overlap, e.g. in humans, the ATP6 and ATP8 genes share 46 nucleotides and the ND4 and ND4L genes share seven nucleotides (2,8). The length of mtDNA is highly variable in different organisms, ranging from yeasts to higher eukaryotes. However, certain mtDNA properties are conserved, e.g. the presence of genes coding for highly hydrophobic and crucial components of the respiratory chain, ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), and transfer RNAs (tRNAs), which are necessary for protein translation (5). How electron transfer is coupled to proton pumping is a major unresolved question (19). Many metabolic processes, e.g. the Krebs cycle, the urea cycle, or β-oxidation, take place in the mitochondria. Additionally, mitochondria are involved in the regulation of thermogenesis and Ca 2+ ion metabolism and exert an effect on the apoptosis process. However, the main role of mitochondria is generation of high-energy ATP in the process of oxidative phosphorylation (9). The respiratory chain consists of 5 protein complexes: NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, succinate−quinone oxidoreductase, the bc1 complex, cyt c oxidase, and ATP synthase. The complexes are arranged on the internal mitochondrial membrane according to the increasing oxidoreductive potential. The difference in the potentials between the first four complexes facilitates electron transport. It results in generation of energy, which is converted by ATP synthase into high-energy phosphorus bonds (14).Approximately 0.15-2% of electrons that enter the electron transport chain (ETC) can escape the OXPHOS cycle, resulting in the formation of superoxide (22). Increased exposure to this OXPHOS-related superoxide may affect not only the mtDNA located nearby, but also proteins and lipids, resulting in impaired protein Summary The aim of this study was to describe the stability of proteins encoded in mtDNA, which are part of the OXPHOS system, in different model organisms and to define why certain proteins are more prone to be unstable than others. The in silico analyses involved 155 reference sequences of all proteins encoded in the mitochondrial DNA in twelve model organisms representing different phylogenetic groups. The amino acid sequences of the proteins were taken from the GenPept database. The bioinformatic analyses were performed in the ProtParam program. Thirty-eight of the 155 analyzed proteins exhibited instability. The greatest numbers of unstable mitochondrial proteins were detected in H. sapiens and A. mexicanum and the lowest levels were found in C. elegans. ND1 and ATP8 were the most unstable mitochondrial proteins. Proteins COX1 and COX3 did not exhibit instability in the examined group of organisms. The highest instability index values were recorded in the ...