Objective: to assess the dynamics of the formation of a culture of health and the perception of their own health by schoolchildren on the example of students at the stage of pre-professional medical education. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the Pre-University of Sechenov University. A questionnaire was used to assess the physical, mental, social and spiritual components of health culture. A questionnaire was used to assess the key components of the culture of health: physical, mental, social and spiritual. In 2018, 260 teenagers (171 girls and 89 boys, average age — 16.6±0.74 years) were interviewed, in 2024-702 (519 girls and 183 boys, average age 16.3±0.91 years). The data were analyzed using the Pearson x2 test with Yeats correction, and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was calculated to study the relationship between qualitative features. Results. During the period understudy, the share of students with high values of the level of health culture increased by an average of 12.9±5.5% (p<0.01); attaching importance to lifestyle, ecology, rejection of bad habits, receiving information about health from reliable sources by more than 10%(p<0.01), a relationship was found between adolescents' perception of their own health and the professional status of their mothers (2024 —p=0.733; 2018 — p=0.730, t=0.11). Conclusions. An increase in the proportion of adolescents with a high level of health culture has been shown, there is no significant difference in health self-esteem and there is a strong and direct link between the perception of adolescents of their own health and the professional status of their mothers.