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ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)This report deals with the active control of heavily damped vibratory mechanical systems in a stochastic environment. The systems of interest are multiple input, multiple output (MIMO)structures that are modeled by generalized complex modes. The control objective is to suppress the effects of impulsive distur bances within a short period of time as well as to provide specified reduction of vibration due to ever-present Gaussian and nonGaussian stochastic disturbances.The team effortdescribed separatelyin this report can be viewed as three interactive parts:one group investigating the robust control issues; one, the nongaussian estimation problem and a third group working with a mechanical plate experiment, generating data and identification algorithms.The experimental model was constructed in the M. E. Department under DARPA funding. The robust control investigators used modern analysis and synthesis tools to incorporate the required performance directly into the design procedure. The approach to handle the nongaussian state estimation problem was in the use of an adaptive Gaussian sum state estimator.
IWorking with realistic modal descriptions of vibratory mechanical systems, the technical objective was to design active damping controllers. The systems of interest are multiple input, multiple output (MIMO), heavily damped structures with complex modes. The control objective is to suppress the effects of impulsive disturbances within a short period of time as well as to E provide a specified reduction of vibration due to ever-present stochastic disturbances.Systems with complex modes cannot be decoupled exactly. One issue that was resolved was the impracticality of using a controller for an approximately decoupled system. Simulations showed that the desired amount of damping could not be achieved with this controller due to stability problems caused by the approximations.
3The technical issue regarding state estimation was to develop an optimal estimator for the system driven by non-gaussian stochastic signals.
I (2) TECHNICAL APPROACHES: IThe team effort can be viewed as three interactive parts:one group investigating the robust control issues; one, the non-gaussian estimation problem and a third group working with a mechanical plate experiment, generating data and identification algorithms. The experimental model was constructed in the M.E. Department under DARPA funding. Our group interacted well with the M.E. group, sharing ideas and methods where relevant.
IThe robust control ...