Linear mode conversion (LMC) is the linear transfer of energy from one wave mode to another in a density gradient. It is relevant to planetary continuum radiation, type II and III radio bursts, and ionospheric radio emissions. This paper analyzes LMC by calculating angle‐averaged energy (ε) and power (εp) conversion efficiencies in both 2‐D and 3‐D for Langmuir/z mode waves (including upper hybrid waves for perpendicular wave vectors) converting to free‐space radiation in turbulent plasmas. The averages are over the distributions of the incoming Langmuir/z mode wave vectors k, density scale lengths L, and angles α and δ, where α is the angle between k and the background magnetic field B0 and δ is the angle between the density gradient ∇N0 and B0. The results show that the averaged and unaveraged conversion efficiencies are dependent on γβ, where γ is the adiabatic index and β is related to the electron temperature Te by β = Te/mec2. The averaged energy conversion efficiencies are proportional to γβ in 2‐D and to (γβ)3/2 in 3‐D, whereas the power conversion efficiencies are proportional to (γβ)1/2 in 2‐D and γβ in 3‐D. The special case of a perpendicular density gradient (δ≈90°) is considered and used to predict the conversion efficiencies of terrestrial continuum radiation (TCR) in three known source regions: the plasmapause, magnetopause, and the plasma sheet. The observed energy conversion efficiencies are estimated and are found to be consistent with the 2‐D and 3‐D predicted efficiencies; importantly, these results imply that LMC is a possible generation mechanism for TCR. The polarization of TCR is also predicted: TCR should be produced primarily in the o mode at the plasmapause and in both the o and x modes at the magnetopause and plasma sheet. These predictions are consistent with previous independent predictions and observations.