This paper contain s a table showing values of heats of polymerization assembl ed from a survey of t h e li terature. There are 42 substit uted vin yl compounds arranged as follows: vinyl alkyls, vinyl aryls, other vinyls, vi nyl acids and esters, dienes and copoly m ers. Values reported by differen t authors are gi ven for each com pound, wi th correspondin g states of monomers and ploym ers and a notation on t he methods used in obtaining t he values. A second table gives structural formulas of monomers.Some values of heats of polymeri zation to hypothetical polymers having no ste ri c hindrance are calculated from published values of heats of form ation of hydrocarbon s, making ce rtain ass4mptions regardin g branch groups. Th e m ethod of calculation is expla in ed. H eat of polymerization is a rbi t rari ly assigned to four energy effects : (1 ) t he reaction
I I I IC= C ---> -C-C-; (2) t he eff ect of side g ro ups on bond energies wh en t he re is no in te r-
I I I I .action between the groups; (3) thc eff cct of ste ri c hindrance between ide g roups ; and (4) thc "e nd eff ect" a r isin g from the nearn css of t he double bond to the en d of t he monomer molec ule. Values of hcats of polymerization a re compared , and t he ir relation to s t r ucture is examined, with particular emphasis on t he effect of s teric hindrance. Etyhlene has t he highest and alpha-methylsty rene t he lowes t heat of pol y me ri zation ; isobute nc and the methac rylates also are low. D isubstitution on the same vinyl carbon is a frequent cause of ste ri c interference, with consequent recluctionin heat of polymerization . Large b ra nched substi tuents may causc ste ri c inte rfe rence. The substit u tion of chlorin e on the aromatic ring of styrene has little effect on heat of polym eri zation. Steric interferen ce may prcvent polymerization above the dim e r. The heat of copolymer ization of butadien e an d styrene lics between the values for t he separate monom ers. H eat of copolymeri zation of other monom cr pairs may be higher or lower than the val ue for t he separate compon ents. H eat of polymeriza tion depends somewhat on t he ratio of 1,2-a nd 1,4-addition, and on t he amount of crystallinity of the polymers.