In this paper we will show that, because of the long-range microscopic memory of the random force, acting in the solar core, mainly on the electrons and the protons than on the light and heavy ions (or, equally, because of anomalous diffusion of solar core constituents of light mass and of normal diffusion of heavy ions), the equilibrium statistical distribution that these particles must obey, is that of generalized Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics (or the Tsallis non-extensive statistics), the distribution differing very slightly from the usual Maxwellian distribution. Due to the high-energy depleted tail of the distribution, the nuclear rates are reduced and, using earlier results on the standard solar model neutrino fluxes, calculated by Clayton and collaborators, we can evaluate fluxes in good agreement with the experimental data. While proton distribution is only very slightly different from Maxwellian there is a little more difference with electron distribution. We can define one central electron temperature as a few percent higher than the ion central temperature nearly equal to the standard solar model temperature. The difference is related to the different reductions with respect to the standard solar model values needed for B and CN O neutrinos and for Be neutrinos.PACS number(s): 73.40.Hm, 71.30.+h, 96.60.K