The distinctive double Christmas tree morphology of rRNA operons as visualized by electron microscopy makes them easy to recognize in chromatin spreads from Escherichia coli. On the basis of the pattern of nascent transcripts on nearby transcription units and the relative distances of the operons from one another and the replication origin, we are now able to specifically identify five of the seven rRNA operons in E. coli. The use of rRNA operons as markers of both position and distance has resulted in the morphological mapping of a significant portion of the E. coli chromosome; over 600 kilobase pairs in the 84-to 90-min and 72-min regions can now be recognized. Since individual rRNA operons could be identified, direct comparisons could be made of their transcriptional activities. As judged by the densities of RNA polymerases along the operons, rrnA, rrnB, rrnC, rrnD, and rnnE were all transcribed at similar levels, with one RNA polymerase every 85 base pairs.The ability to recognize individual operons and specific regions of the chromosome allows direct comparisons of various genetic parameters.Chromatin-spreading techniques provide the unique opportunity for direct visualization of in vivo transcriptional activity. In a chromatin spread, the contents of osmotically lysed cells are allowed to disperse at low ionic strength. Under these conditions, the bacterial chromosome unfolds and RNA polymerases with nascent transcripts are observed still attached to their DNA templates. A drawback of the technique, however, is that it is difficult to identify specific genes of interest among the many active transcription units that are visualized. The use of chromatin-spreading techniques to study the expression of specific bacterial genes has been limited, since the only chromosomal genes that have been identified to date are the rRNA operons (47,48). An alternative approach of visualizing specific genes on plasmids (23) is useful but does not allow analysis of the regulation of single-copy genes in their chromosomal environment.In chromatin spreads of Escherichia coli cells, rRNA operons are easily recognized by their dense packing with RNA polymerases and their distinctive double Christmas tree morphology (Fig. 1A). RNase III cleavage of nascent pre-rRNA transcripts between the 16S and 23S cistrons results in two gradients of increasing transcript length (30) (Fig. 1B). There are seven rRNA operons (22, 35, 50) distributed around the 4,700-kilobase-pair (kbp) E. coli chromosome (36). We have been able to specifically identify five of them on the basis of patterns of adjacent transcription units, their proximity to the replication origin, and their relative distances from one another. In well-spread preparations of chromatin, it is often possible to follow the bacterial chromosome for a considerable distance. Using the rRNA operons as markers of both position and distance, we have been able to map patterns of transcriptional activity over 600 kbp (-13%) of the E. coli chromosome. We have ultrastructurally identified 1...