Islamic boarding schools are community-based institutions founded by individuals, foundations and Islamic community organizations, as well as communities that instill faith and piety to Allah SWT (U.-U. Republik Indonesia, 2019). Transformational leadership management is a leadership model that can help subordinates to be more creative and innovative to make changes to institutions so that they can be competitive with other institutions in order to achieve goals easily according to the steps in the management function. The purpose of this study in general is to describe and analyze the management of transformational leadership in improving the learning quality of students. This study uses an inductive qualitative approach, with a descriptive method of qualitative analysis of case studies (case study) and data collection techniques using interview techniques, observation and documentation studies. The results of the study show that the planning steps in both Islamic boarding schools are adjusted to the vision, mission and objectives of the Islamic boarding school. Organizing by forming a learning quality assurance team from the leadership of the Islamic boarding school. Its implementation has been implemented in the activities of reciting the yellow book, outreach, simulation, training, directing the leadership of Islamic boarding schools, there are two stages of supervision. from the administrator. The management provides an explanation of the realization of the activity program. The second stage is monitoring and evaluating the preparation of the activity program, starting from supervision from the Ministry of Religion of Cirebon City and the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Java Province, the leadership of Islamic boarding schools and the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Java Province to the pesantren. The conclusion is that management is transformational leadership in improving the quality of student learning, namely (1) management functions have been realized starting from planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling in program preparation, conducting monev and preparation of accountability reports, (2) the dimensions of transformational leadership are met in Islamic boarding schools, namely, idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and full attention to subordinates (individualism consideration). , and (3) there is an increase in the quality of education in Islamic boarding schools, namely in the quality of implementing Islamic boarding schools, realization of activities, student achievement, and access to student graduates.