This article addresses the problems of "resource overload" and "information confusion" in the current e-commerce platform. This paper proposes a personalized recommendation strategy for e-commerce platform based on artificial intelligence considering the collaborative filtering method as the basic algorithm. The article proposes an optimized strategy using artificial intelligence to obtain satisfactory results. Based on this proposed personalized recommendation model, users are clustered by using ontology context information, further considering the influence of user preference and user trust relationship on similarity calculation. This method can alleviate the problems of data sparsity and cold start to a certain extent, effectively improve the recommendation quality. It further increases the diversity of recommendation results, and meet the needs of users and enterprises. Through the change of parameter α under different data sets, when α ∈ (1.84,1.88), the accuracy and recall rate of recommendation results remain at a high level. The personalized recommendation method can be applied to various situations such as social network friend recommendation and e-commerce platform commodity recommendation. The proposed work has a wide range of applications, especially for enterprises that master the user's rich dimensional situation information. This method has a prominent recommendation effect with the help of detailed analysis of the user's complex situation.Povzetek: Članek obravnava težave preobremenitve z viri na obstoječih e-trgovinskih platformah. Predlaga se strategija personaliziranega priporočanja, ki temelji na umetni inteligenci in algoritmu kolaborativnega filtriranja.