We investi gated variati ons of Mg concentrati on, δD and δO in precipitati on, soil water along a planar hillslope, groundwater, and fi rst-order stream water at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Criti cal Zone Observatory (SSHO). Water fl ows verti cally in the unsaturated zone of the hillslope, but hydrological saturati on periodically causes lateral fl ow along interfaces of permeability contrast between the A-B and B-C soil horizons. Changes in soil water Mg concentrati on respond to hydrological changes and are ulti mately controlled by the kineti cs of clay mineral dissoluti on, but are buff ered by the soil exchange capacity. Clay dissoluti on predominantly occurs within the A and B horizons, and Mg released from these zones of "low-fl ow" diff uses or fl ows into the "high-fl ow" zones at horizon interfaces. The Mg concentrati ons are low in these high-fl ow zones because fresher (younger) water fl ows in through macropores. The amplitude of seasonal variati ons in water isotopes (data from 2008-2010) decreases in the following order: precipitati on (δD: 286‰) >> soil water (δD: 86‰) > shallow groundwater (δD: 26‰), indicati ng water becomes progressively older along the fl owpath. Fractures and preferenti al high-fl ow paths make the watershed hydrologically responsive: the average ti me water stays in the shallow subsurface is inferred to be <2 yr. The stream water chemistry is aff ected by inputs of old groundwater that is relati vely high in Mg concentrati on but relati vely limited in range in δD, as well as by inputs from young soil water that is relati vely low in Mg concentrati on with a wide range in δD. The relati ve contributi ons of these two sources to the stream change seasonally. Abbreviati ons: BLS, below land surface; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; GW, groundwater; LMWL, local meteoric water line; NADP, Nati onal Atmospheric Depositi on Program; SH, stream at the headwater; SM, stream at the mid-point; SPMS, south planar middle slope site; SPRT, south planar ridge top site; SPVF, south planar valley fl oor site; SSHO, Susquehanna Shale Hills Criti cal Zone Observatory; SW, stream at the weir.Chemical weathering converts bedrock into soils to provide nutrients to support the terrestrial ecosystems on the Earth's surface (e.g., Chorover et al., 2007;Amundson et al., 2007). Th ese weathering reactions are governed by dissolution kinetics, as well as the rate and direction of water fl ow. For example, the intensity and amount of rainfall are known to impact weathering rates and elemental release by initiating water-rock interaction, transporting reaction products, and shift ing equilibrium with respect to primary and secondary mineral phases (e.g., White and Blum, 1995;Maurice et al., 2002;Asano et al., 2003Asano et al., , 2006Jarvis et al., 2008;Goddéris et al., 2010;Williams et al., 2010). Th e mechanisms and pathways of infi ltration and runoff determine the fl uxes of solute and particles that are transported out of catchments (e.g., Pearce et al., 1986;Maurice et al., 2002). Th e residence ti...