SyIvia for their help with the design, installation, and smooth operation of the experimental equipment. We appreciate the assistance of Cordon R. Kerns with photomultiplier problems. The liquid-deuterium Cerenkov counters owe their success to Albert H. Kleid who assembled the flasks, Edwin F. McLaughlin, and Richard V. Schafer who were responsible for the cryogenic design and operation of the counters, and A detailed analysis of 7514 pp -t pprr+~events at 6.6-GeV/c incident beam momentum is presented.Three types of analyses are presented which argue that a single-pion exchange process is responsible for the dominant peripheral A++~Tproduction. An angular-correlation analysis is presented in which it appears that the 1450-MeV AT Deck enhancement is not a pure JP=++ state. The demonstration that the absolute magnitude for this enhancement is accounted for by the pion-exchange process indicates that only one process (i.e., pion exchange with diffraction scattering at the T-p vertex) contributes to the final state, and that a second process need not be added to the pion exchange to account for the observed cross section. Some ad hoc dependence on the AT mass must be introduced for a precise fit to the shape of the 4~ mass spectrum, or equivalently to the B,@ angular distributions in the T-p c.m. system. The sar2"(t' dependence of the Reggeized pion-exchange model of Berger is well known to accomplish this; however, the a(t) with unit slope required by this model is at variance with the apparently rather flat trajectory deduced from data on quasi-two-body pion-exchange-dominated reactions. I t is suggested that a AT final-state-interaction model may be useful in understanding the reaction.-