In this work, the production of hidden-bottom pentaquark P b states via γp and π − p scatterings is studied within an effective Lagrangian approach and the vector-meson-dominance mechanism. For the P b production in the process γp → ϒp, the dipole Pomeron model is employed to calculate the background contribution, and the experimental data can be well described. For the process π − p → ϒn, the Reggeized t-channel with π exchange is considered as the main background for the P b production. The cross section from the t-channel π exchange is very small due to weak coupling of P b state to the ππ channel predicted theoretically. Near the threshold, two-peak structure from the states P b ð11080Þ and P b ð11125Þ can be observed if energy bin width is chosen as 0.01 GeV, and the same result is obtained in the π − p scattering. Moreover, by taking the branching ratio of Br½P b → πN ≃ 0.05%, the numerical result shows that the average value of the cross section from the P b ð11080Þ state produced in the γp or π − p scattering reaches at least 0.1 nb with a bin of 0.1 GeV. Even if we reduce the branching ratio of the P b state into πN channel by one order, the theoretical average of the cross section from P b ð11080Þ production in π − p scattering can reach the order of 0.01 nb with a bin of 0.1 GeV, which means that the signal can still be clearly distinguished from the background. The experimental measurements and studies on the hidden-bottom pentaquark P b state production in the γp or π − p scattering near-threshold energy region around W ≃ 11 GeV are strongly suggested, which are accessible at COMPASS and JPARC. Particularly, the result of the photoproduction suggests that it is very promising to observe the hidden-bottom pentaquark at the proposed EicC facility in China.