The common occurrence of gastric disorders, the accelerating emphasis on the role of the gut‐brain axis, and development of realistic, predictive models of gastric function, all place emphasis on increasing understanding of the stomach and its control. However, the ways that regions of the stomach have been described anatomically, physiologically, and histologically do not align well. Mammalian single compartment stomachs can be considered as having four anatomical regions fundus, corpus, antrum, and pyloric sphincter. Functional regions are the proximal stomach, primarily concerned with adjusting gastric volume, the distal stomach, primarily involved in churning and propelling the content, and the pyloric sphincter that regulates passage of chyme into the duodenum. The proximal stomach extends from the dome of the fundus to a circumferential band where propulsive waves commence (slow waves of the pacemaker region), and the distal stomach consists of the pacemaker region and the more distal regions that are traversed by waves of excitation, that travel as far as the pyloric sphincter. Thus, the proximal stomach includes the fundus and different extents of the corpus, whereas the distal stomach consists of the remainder of the corpus and the antrum. The distributions of aglandular regions and of specialized glands, such as oxyntic glands, differ vastly between species and, across species, have little or no relation to anatomical or functional regions. It is hoped that this review helps to clarify nomenclature that defines gastric regions that will provide an improved basis for drawing conclusions for different investigations of the stomach.