This study analyzed the studies and their trends, specifically 124 master's and doctoral theses, as well as research papers on the topic of education on death published from 1990 to 2014. The study's findings are as follows. First, in terms of trends by year, there were only 8papers in the 1990s but this figure saw a dramatic jump from 2005 to 2009 to a total of 50papers(40.3%). The majority of them, 59papers in total, were master's theses(47.6%). Second, in terms of the study field, theological studies took the lead and studies on social welfare accounted for 29papers(28.4%) which was the largest share. Third, in terms of study subjects, senior citizens were used in the majority of papers or 35papers(40.7%) in total. Fourth, in terms of methodology, literature studies accounted for 61papers(49.2%) which was the largest share. Fifth, for mediation programs education on death, the preferred method of study was to have a before-after design using a control group and experiment group. The most common number of total sessions was 5-8sessions with one session per week and each session lasting for about 100-120minutes. Sixth, as for the effect variable of mediation programs for education on death, death anxiety was the most frequently studied variable at 23 papers(31.5%).