The Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) is designed to shift how teaching framework from teaching facts to construct explanations from the phenomena. In particular, the science and engineering practices (SEPs) interrelate and represent the "knowledge and reasoning skill" necessary for students to build a rich network of connected ideas that serve as a conceptual tool for explaining phenomena, solving problems, and making decisions. However, knowledge and reasoning skills are less implemented during teaching process. Therefore, the aim of this research was to identify the profile of teacher experiences in implementing the NGSS SEPs in their learning process. This research was conducted by a descriptive research method. The number of participants involved in this research is 21 taken by random sampling technique. The data of teacher instructional practice was collected using teacher questionnaire concerned teacher instructional practice. The survey tool consists of 24 questions covering the following six areas of instructional practices with four of these are linking to the NGSS SEPs. The result revealed the lowest score was collecting data and analyze which is linked to NGSS SEPs 3-5 (planning and carrying out investigation, analyzing and interpreting data, and using mathematic and computational thinking), closely followed by instigating and investigating which is linked to NGSS SEPs 1 and 3 (asking question and defining problem, and planning and carrying out investigation. Modeling which is linked to NGSS SEPs 2 (developing and using model) and critique, explanation, and argumentation which is linked to NGSS SEPs 6-7 (constructing explanations and designing solutions, and engaging argument from evidence) have the same score in the higher level. Traditional instruction's score was relatively high and the highest score was prior knowledge. The result showed that teacher's experiences in learning process are dominated by traditional instruction and using student's prior knowledge. The teacher's experiences in implementing the NGSS SEPs is still rare. In order to help engaging students in the NGSS SEPs, instructional practices based on the NGSS SEPs need to be more implemented.