Electricity generation through solar power plants is one of the ways to Ukraine's energy independence. The amount of electricity generated by a solar power plant depends on the intensity of the solar radiation entering onto the solar module, the total area of the solar modules, and their efficiency. The intensity of solar radiation entering the solar module depends directly on the type of the solar module anchorages. In this article, the intensity of solar radiation, which enters onto the solar modules with different types of anchorages, is determined. It is established that the highest intensity of solar radiation enters onto the solar modules, which have a dynamic mount with two-axle trackers. The difference between the dynamic type of fastening with one-axis and two-axis trackers is practically absent in the warm period of the year; in the cold period of the year, a dynamic mount with a two-axis tracker allows you to increase the amount of solar radiation entering the solar module to 30%. Compared to a stationary anchorage, the dynamic anchorage of solar modules allows you to increase the intensity of solar radiation that enters onto the solar module to 67%.