Aim. To determine the value of radiation imaging techniques such as US, CT and MRI for diagnosing liver hemangiomas. Materials and methods. The article presents the results of radiations diagnostics of 96 patients with the hepatics hemangiomas. Patients age ranged from 16 to 73 years (mean age 42 ± 10 years). There was a significant predominance of women 78 (83.1 %). And the ratio of women to men was 4.8 : 1. The tumor occupied the area of one segment of the liver in 21 (21.8 %) cases, two segments in 35 (35.4 %), three segments - in 17 (17.7 %), four or more segments - in 23 (23.9 %) cases. Results. Non-invasive diagnostic methods are very effective and allow timely detect of liver hemangiomas in most patients. According to the material, the informativeness of radiation diagnostic methods was at least 90 %. Conclusion. MRI, in comparison to CT and ultrasound, is considered a more sensitive and informative method. But taking into account the prevalence, safety and affordability, it is necessary to give preference to ultrasound diagnostics as the primary link in radiation imaging.