We use some tools from nonlinear analysis to study two examples of singular stochastic elliptic PDEs that cannot be solved by the contraction principle or the Schauder fixed point theorem. Let ξ stand for a spatial white noise on a closed Riemannian surface S. We prove the existence of a solution to the equationwith a potential a ∈ L p (S) and p > 1, and f subject to growth conditions. Under an additional parity condition on f -met for instance when f (u) = u|u| ℓ , with ℓ an even innteger, we further prove that this equation has infinitely many solutions, in stark contrast with all the well-posedness results that have been proved so far for singular stochastic PDEs under a small parameter assumption. This kind of results is obtained by seeing the equation as characterizing the critical points of an energy functional based on the Anderson operator H = ∆ + ξ and by resorting to variants of the mountain pass theorem. There are however some interesting equations that cannot be characterized as the critical points of an energy functional. Such is the case of the singular Choquard-Pecard equation on S = T 2One can use Ghoussoub's machinery of self-dual functionals to prove the existence of a solution to that equation as the minimum of a self-dual strongly coercive functional under proper assumptions on the coefficients a, w, f and g.
-IntroductionLet (S, g) stand for a closed (compact, connected, boundaryless) two dimensional Riemannian manifold. A spatial white noise ξ on S is a random distribution with centered Gaussian law with covariancefor all smooth real-valued functions f 1 , f 2 on S, with dx standing for the Riemannian volume measure. This random distribution takes almost surely its values in the Besov-Hölder space B α−2 ∞,∞ (S), for any α < 1 -think of α − 2 as (−1) − . The Anderson operator is formally defined as 1 I.B. acknowledges support from the CNRS/PIMS and the ANR-16-CE40-0020-01 grant.