Abstract. Starphotometry, the night-time counterpart of sunphotometry, has not yet achieved the commonly sought observational error level of 1 %: a spectral optical depth (OD) error level of 0.01. In order to address this issue, we investigate a large variety of systematic (absolute) uncertainty sources. The bright-star catalogue of extraterrestrial references is noted as a major source of errors with an attendant recommendation that its accuracy, particularly its spectral photometric variability, be significantly improved. The small field of view (FOV) employed in starphotometry ensures that it, unlike sun- or moonphotometry, is only weakly dependent on the intrinsic and artificial OD reduction induced by scattering into the FOV by optically thin clouds. A FOV of 45 arcsec (arcseconds) was found to be the best trade-off for minimizing such forward-scattering errors concurrently with flux loss through vignetting. The importance of monitoring the sky background and using interpolation techniques to avoid spikes and to compensate for measurement delay was underscored. A set of 20 channels was identified to mitigate contamination errors associated with stellar and terrestrial atmospheric gas absorptions, as well as aurora and airglow emissions. We also note that observations made with starphotometers similar to our High Arctic instrument should be made at high angular elevations (i.e. at air masses less than 5). We noted the significant effects of snow crystal deposition on the starphotometer optics, how pseudo OD increases associated with this type of contamination could be detected, and how proactive techniques could be employed to avoid their occurrence in the first place. If all of these recommendations are followed, one may aspire to achieve component errors that are well below 0.01: in the process, one may attain a total 0.01 OD target error.