Absrracr -The features of the programming language application, which are used in wireless access to the Internet, such as the Wireless Markup Language (WML) and aspects O f Using it for implementation of the scheme export module of the Graphical Editor "Schematic 2003" for the "WicrePC" circuit design training simulator have been reviewed here.Today it is difticult to imagine, how mankind lived without mobile phones, computers and the Internet recently. Now life and work of the modem person without are impossible without these highly technological components. These technologies are combined and rising to a new level of development at present. The lnternet became a perfect testing area of the last developments in computer and communication technologies. The accelerated development of wireless technologies became a reason of development and wide usage of the WKP (Wireless Application Protocol) technology. This technology is necessary for solving the problems of adapting of solution of the existing Internet multifunction possibilities to rhe constraints of the modem wireless networks and wireless terminals [I, 81.Constraints are: I ) narrowband network connection; 2) longest inactive period; 3) smaller connection stability; 4) smaller predictability of services accessibility; 5 ) batteries lifetime limitation; 6 ) very small display dimensions and limited user input facilities of cellular network terminals; 7) limited computational resources; 8) limited memory, etc.The main advantages of the WAP-technology are: 1) simplicity of usage; 2) free type of carrier; 3) free type of wireless device; 4) interoperabilityproducts of different manufacturers can be utilized in various combinations; 5) interoperating access to an information during geographical moving; 6 ) adaptation of existing Intemet tools; 7) new 'information services; 8) expansion of customer ! '