Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease, a rare form of necrotizing lymphadenitis, is an uncommon, benign, self-limiting disorder of obscure etiology. It affects mostly young adults of both genders. Clinically, it presents with fever and lymphadenopathy of a firm to rubbery consistency frequently involving cervical lymph nodes while weight loss, splenomegaly, leucopenia, and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate feature in severely affected patients. Cutaneous involvement occurs in about 30%-40% of cases as facial erythema and nonspecific erythematous papules, plaques, acneiform or morbilliform lesions of great histologic heterogeneity. Both Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease and systemic lupus erythematosus share an obscure and complex relationship as systemic lupus erythematosus may occasionally precede, develop subsequently, or sometimes be associated concurrently with Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease. It is often mistaken for non-Hodgkin lymphoma while lupus lymphadenitis, cat-scratch disease, Sweet’s syndrome, Still’s disease, drug eruptions, infectious mononucleosis, and viral or tubercular lymphadenitis are other common differentials. Fine needle aspiration cytology mostly has features of nonspecific reactive lymphadenitis and immunohistochemistry studies usually show variable features of uncertain diagnostic value
Since its diagnosis is exclusively from histopathology, it needs to be evaluated more carefully; an early lymph node biopsy will obviate the need for unnecessary investigations and therapeutic trials. Its treatment with systemic corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine, or antimicrobial agents mostly remains empirical. The article reviews clinicoepidemiological, diagnostic, and management aspects of KFD from the perspective of practicing clinicians.