This paper proposes a multicriteria model based on the delay time concept and the FITradeoff method to support the choice of a service provider who inspects isolation valves, thereby enabling maintenance actions that have a strategic focus to be established for natural gas industries. We consider the possibility of errors of judgment (false negatives), thus allowing an approximation of reality to be made. In addition, the FITradeoff method is used to enable a decision‐maker to aggregate his/her preferences by taking account of more than one criterion simultaneously, even though the criteria generally conflict with each other. Furthermore, we undertake a numerical application to assess the practical implications. The model proved to be effective at supporting decision‐makers to select companies to provide periodic inspection services, which are often carried out under contracts. We have also evaluated how maintenance decisions change due to different decision‐makers' standards so as to obtain more appropriate procedures for maintenance actions. This has an impact on reducing the occurrence of failures and, consequently, reducing risks to people who live near the gas pipelines.