Despite extensive conceptualization
of ions as hard spheres in
most textbooks, solid-state structures are more accurately modeled
as overlapping soft spheres that better reflect the size of the ions.
The corresponding soft-sphere ionic radii of alkali and halide ions
can be empirically established from the partial molar volume of the
ions in aqueous solution. Partial molar volumes for 15 alkali halide
solutes are calculated from the slope of solution density (g/L) versus
the solution molarity (mol/L) at the infinite dilution limit. The
set of resulting ion sizes for the lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium,
cesium, chloride, bromide, and iodide is both self-consistent, being
composed of quantities that are mathematically additive, and physically
meaningful. Upon setting the volume of Li(I) to 5.2 mL/mol, the solid-state
structures of all 15 alkali halides, whether rock salt or CsCl, can
be constructed to accurately model ion overlap as well as hole volume,
though the size ordering of the ions is different than the ordering
found for hard spheres. This new conceptual and empirical bridge between
the solution and solid phases should help advance the teaching of
these commonly disparate subjects by reinforcing aspects of both while
drawing new connections between them.