Utilization of electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures is becoming attractive in the electromagnetic and antenna community. In this paper, the effects of a two-dimensional electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) Structures on the performance of microstrip patch antenna arrays are investigated using the Ansoft High Frequency Selective Simulator (HFSS TM ). A mushroom-like EBG structure is compared with 2-DEBG Structures. HFSS TM is employed to determine the effects of different Structures on two element microstrip patch antennas array. Two element microstrip patch antenna array on a uniform substrate suffer from strong mutual coupling due to the pronounced surface waves. Therefore, diverse forms of 2-DEBG Structures like: little number of holes, large number of holes, defect mode and different number of mushroom-patches columns structure are discussed. The two element microstrip patch antennas array placed on a defect in the electromagnetic (EBG) substrate that localizes the energy under the antennas. The excitation frequency of the two element microstrip patch antennas array near the resonance frequency of the defect mode can be used to control the coupling between antennas that are placed in an array. The mutual coupling improved by using large number of mushroom-patches columns structure.