This article reports about the construction and status of the accelerator facility at the Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP) in the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna), the driver of an intense pulsed resonance neutron source. The general scheme of the electron linear accelerator and features of its basic systems are presented. LUE-200 consists of two accelerating sections on a traveling wave with an operating frequency of 2856 MHz with RF power compression systems of the SLED type. The pulse current of the beam at the output of the accelerator reaches 2 A with a pulse duration of 80–100 ns. At the average energy of beam particles from 60–65 MeV and a cycle repetition rate of 50 Hz, the average beam power reaches ≈ 600 W. The integral neutron flux from the non-multiplying target reaches ∼ 1012 s−1.