The performance of two mirror resonators with holes for output coupling is studied for free electron laser application using a Fox-Li type code. The mode profiles inside and outside the cavity, the diffraction losses at the mirror edges and apertures, the amount of useful power coupled through the hole, e.t.c., are calculated for the dominant mode for different hole and mirror dimensions. It is found that resonators in near concenoic geometry can develop a mode degeneracy in certain cases, which should be avoided for the stability of the free electron laser gain and output.A resonator configuration for a free electron laser at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory was found which can provide satisfactory performance over a wavelength range from 25 to 50 microns. The possibility of further increasing the tuning range by an adjustable intracavity aperture is discussed.
IntroductionAn infrared free electron laser (FEL) operating between 3 and 50 microns is being designed for the Chemical Dynamics Research Laboratory (CDRL) at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory [1). In search for efficient, broadly tunable optical output coupling schemes for the CDRL-FEL, we are investigating resonators with a circular hole in the center of one of the end mirrors. This paper is a summary of our study so far on this subject.Hole coupling has been proven to be effective in the far-infrared region where dielecoic mirrors are not available. and an arbitrary set of intracavity apertures. In our numerical study we pay close attention to the issues important for FEL operation in a user facility: The intracavity mode profile should have a good overlap with the electron beam for efficient energy extraction; A sufficient fraction of the energy should be coupled out through the hole; The out coupled mode should be close to the free space Gaussian mode for an efficient transport to the experimental station; A single cavity configuration should cover as wide a wavelength range as possible to avoid a frequent change of sensitive optical components.In studying the resonators for the CDRL-FEL, it is found that the behavior of a hole coupling resonator in the near concentric geometry is somewhat different from those in the other stable configurations. Thus the mode profile across the hole remains more or less uniform, ensuring a good output coupling. Also, the mode can develop a degeneracy at a certain hole size.Avoiding the mode degeneracy is an important consideration for the design of a hole coupling resonator.The analysis in this paper is approximate in the sense that the effect of the FEL interaction 2 on the cavity mode has not been taken into account. Such effect is expected to be small when the saturated gain (which is equal to the total round trip loss) is small, as are the cases studied here. apertures at each end of the undulator, the aperture radius chosen to be the same as that of the bore.
Calculation of the HoleWe expect the approximation to be adequate provided the loss at the undulator bore is small.However, we have not studied in detail t...