A blend of creatine nitrate and creatinine has demonstrated promising
bioavailability; however, prior studies have not thoroughly examined its pharmacokinetics and
safety profiles, particularly its impact on kidney stress indicators, such as serum cystatin C.
This study aimed to assess the effects of varying doses of creatine nitrate-creatinine intervention on pharmacokinetics and safety in healthy humans.
Ten young adults (mean age 26.1 ± 5.0 years; 5 females) volunteered for this double-blind, crossover, randomized controlled trial. The participants were randomly assigned to receive either a low-dose creatine nitrate-creatinine mixture (CN-CRN-Low; 1.5 g of creatine nitrate
and 1.5 g of creatinine), a high-dose creatine nitrate-creatinine mixture (CN-CRN-High; 3 g of creatine nitrate and 3 g of creatinine), or 1.5 g of creatine nitrate (CONTROL) in both a single-dose
pharmacokinetics experiment, and a 14-day safety trial.
Both CN-CRN-Low and CN-CRN-High interventions displayed increased volume of distribution and total clearance compared to the CONTROL intervention (P < 0.05) in a single-dose
pharmacokinetics experiment. Additionally, the CN-CRN-High intervention showed significantly
higher creatine maximum serum concentrations compared to the other interventions (P < 0.05).
Serum cystatin C levels remained unchanged across all interventions (P = 0.65), with no participants experiencing abnormal cystatin C concentrations or major changes in other safety biomarkers.
The present study demonstrates dose-specific utilization of creatine nitrate-creatinine
intervention, with the mixture induced no kidney damage. Further studies are needed to explore
the potential functional and performance benefits of creatine nitrate-creatinine supplementation in
diverse clinical and athletic cohorts.