The purpose of this study is to provide a snapshot of the agro-waste production in Puglia, Molise, Albania and Montenegro, some of the regions belonging to EUSAIR (ADRIATIC-IONIAN REGIONS) correlating this aspect to the possible use of agro-waste in the building sector. EUSAIR is a functional area, facing the Adriatic sea, treating the marine, coastal and terrestrial areas as interconnected systems. In the first part of the paper, the state of the art about the current consumption of agricultural biomass is carried out referring to the ongoing research lines. It was shown that a great number of international studies have demonstrated that the agro-waste plays an important role in several fields. Moreover, several researchers conducted studies on hygrothermal, physical and acoustical properties of building materials made with biomass proving the potentiality to use this kind of by-product. Then, the state of the art regarding the production and current way of disposal of the agro-waste in the regions of the EUSAIR above mentioned was performed in order to outline the possible by-products which are suitable to be re-used in the building sector. The correlation existing between the agro-waste and the possible use in the building sector is finally presented, focusing on the legislative framework currently existing in each of the regions.