The particle size distribution of powders, colloids, and composites affects their performance characteristics and the quality of products obtained from them; therefore, increasing the accuracy of particle size analysis is given considerable attention [1][2][3][4][5]. The accuracy of sedimentation analysis of chemical engineering processes depends on the method for processing experimental curves, which can involve both approximate empirical or graphical techniques [1, 6] and cumbersome procedures of computational mathematics [7,8]. Therefore, it is expedient to refine algorithms for processing sedimentation curves.
SEDIMENTATION IN A GRAVITATIONAL FIELDSedimentation of a Stokes suspension of particles in a gravitational field is described by the expression [1]where w is the sedimentation rate, ρ is the solid-phase density, ρ L is the liquid density, D is the sedimentation diameter of a solid-phase particle, g is the gravitational acceleration, and µ is the liquid viscosity. Integration of expression (1) yields the time t i of settling of particles of size D i :where H is the height of the liquid column. From the sedimentation time t i , its corresponding particle diameter is calculated:Let us consider the analytical derivation of the integral characteristic of particle size. In determining it, one can avoid using small values (differences of experimental values) and, thus, avoid reducing the calculation accuracy [9].Let there be a sedimentation curve in a gravitational field: M i = f ( t ), 1 < i < n . The total mass M i of particles of the i th fractions that have settled by the moment of time M i in the corresponding time t i is determined by their portion m i and the ratio of t i to the time t i of complete settling of the i th fractions. For the moments of time t 1 , t 2 , and t 3 , respectively, one can write M 1 / t 1 = m 1 / t 1 + m 2 / t 2 + … + m n / t n ;M 2 / t 2 = ( m 1 + m 2 )/ t 2 + m 3 / t 3 + … + m n / t n ;M 3 / t 3 = ( m 1 + m 2 + m 3 )/ t 3 + m 4 / t 4 + … + m n / t n . Expressions similar to the above are obtained for the sedimentation time t i : Let us subtract each equality from the previous one:Dividing both parts of these expressions by the mass M n of the entire sediment and transforming the expressions obtained, one can find the integral distribution function y i = :1 ≤ i ≤ n -1, y n = 1.)M n , = Abstract-Methods for calculating the particle size distributions of powder chemical engineering systems are analyzed. A number of refined analytical procedures for calculating the particle size distribution by a conventional method and the method of layer sedimentation in a gravitational field are described. The error in calculating the distribution by these procedures is decreased by refining the physical model of the process. It is shown that it is expedient to design equipment for the method of layer sedimentation in a centrifugal field.