This ability of early childhood teachers to adapt and have competence and skills in carrying out learning is needed to produce children as quality human resources towards the transformation of the era of society 5.0. Learning problems in producing students who have 4C skills (creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking) are still very limited, especially in Early Childhood Education. The problem can be seen from the achievements of children's development were limited creativity when teaching learning process occurs, children have low communication skills and express opinions from the results of groups or collaborations. This study aims to increase 4C skills (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity) through playing TAMAITO Smart Card for children ages 5-6 years. The subject study is a child at an early age, specifically a Kindergarten B group of 16 children consisting of 7 children male and 9 children female. This research type is descriptive qualitative, and the data was collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis is carried out by stages of data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal conclusion. The results showed that the use of the TAMAITO Smart Card could improve the 4C skills of early childhood. Including solving daily problems by being creative (Creative), convey about what and how things familiar surroundings (Creative), applying simple technology to complete tasks and activities (Critical Thinking), understand and show ability speak expressive (Communication) and possess behavior that reflects attitude care and mutual help (Collaboration).